Grand Junction Xeriscaping Landscaping

Water is a valuable resource in Grand Junction and across the Grand Valley. With many of the residents in the Grand Valley becoming more water conscious, many residents are turning to xeriscape when it comes time to update their landscaping. Xeriscaping a great solution for many homeowners today. Xeriscaping tends to have lower up front installation costs. The obvious reason for many to go with xeriscaping is the maintenance, or lack thereof. Low water and very little maintenance are making xeriscape the first chioce for the busy homeowner.

Xeriscape is the utilizing of trees, shrubs, and plant life that can thrive without much water. in addition, xeriscaping replaces water needy grass with water conscious options like gravel and stone pavers. Xeriscaping is an excellent option for creating a beautiful, low maintenance landscape. Many people think of xeriscaping and think of boring and ugly landscapes with a bunch of rocks in the front yard. With some proper preparation and thought, a xeriscape can be quite the eye-catching landscape. Maple Leaf Landscaping and Maintenance has the experience to help you design and create a landscape that fits into the Grand Valley’s natural surroundings while implementing water conservation practices. If you think a xeriscape might be the right solution for your front or back yard, Give us a call. We can come to your residence and survey what landscaping you currently have. We can then make a xeriscape recommendation based on what you would like to keep and what you would like removed or replaced. We hope you hear from you soon.